<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f0fcb067-0303-4f6f-9554-1bc2974032c1/logomark_-_circle_(new_brand).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f0fcb067-0303-4f6f-9554-1bc2974032c1/logomark_-_circle_(new_brand).png" width="40px" /> This hub shows our co-creational approach to how Learnerbly evolved its values to guide HOW we do what ****we do.
- WHAT we do and HOW we do it are just as important to drive a high-performance culture.
- Values are often just stuck on the wall, but to effectively drive performance they need to be clear and actionable so everyone knows how show up against them
- Values are the DNA of a company, so while we’re open-sourcing the method and structure, we strongly recommend you get all your people’s input in the process!
🔍 Research
- Why we focussed on this + how we inform our work
Values Research Hub | OS
🐝 Employee Hub
- What the employee sees once we launch
Our Values | OS
💛 PX support docs
- Slide decks, facilitator notes etc.
✨ **Values Evolution support documents**
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