Leader FAQs

<aside> 💡 Here’s a structure you can use to navigate your starting point conversation with your team member.

It’s an expectation that your team member will have read the career framework before you meet together.


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❌ Starting point conversations are not

✅ Starting point conversations are

<aside> ❓ Ask your team member Having read the expectations of each level within the framework, where do you think your role sits and why?



❌  I made another assessment of your role

✅ I made the same assessment of your role

<aside> 💬 Your role is positioned as a level 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 on the career framework


🌎  Scope

😎  Role Expertise


This Leader FAQ is the space to expect the most questions, have this page open to help you navigate any curveballs you’re not expecting

<aside> 💡 People might have an emotional response, whether you make space for it, or not…

Label, Listen, Learn



Career Framework | OS

The characters

Loz Earnerbly, Head of PX

L. Earnerbly

L. Earnerbly

Moz Magic, People Ops Manager

M. Magic

M. Magic