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<aside> 💡 We love to change things up to get the best out of the season we're in. Here's how our working hours flex throughout the year.


❄️ Winter Hours

5th December - 25th January

When the clocks go back, we end up waking up in the dark and finishing work in the dark too! 😟

We already have Wellbeing Wednesdays, so on Tuesday and Thursdays we're giving you a 2 hour lunch break to make the most of the daylight hours!

☀️ Summer Fridays

7th July**- 25th August**

Get those flip flops out and the dust off those tropical prints you've had hidden away 🤩

Summer is coming! We welcome hot temperatures and Summer Fridays!

🤔 OK so there’s a little bit of Small print. Check out the FAQ’s below

?Winter FAQs

?Summer FAQs

General FAQs