<img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f0fcb067-0303-4f6f-9554-1bc2974032c1/logomark_-_circle_(new_brand).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/f0fcb067-0303-4f6f-9554-1bc2974032c1/logomark_-_circle_(new_brand).png" width="40px" /> Our goal is to build a high performance culture; the behaviours, values & norms that will lead us to achieve our business goals.
- We have experience in businesses that approached performance a number of ways
- 3 point scale, 5 point scale, no scale / team performance only.
- Similarly we’ve seen annual, bi-annual, and quarterly reviews.
- Our approach takes the best of what we’ve learned so far to make performance a habit, not a tedious checkbox exercise.
🔍 Research
- Why we focussed on this + how we inform our work
Performance Research Hub | OS
🐝 Employee Hub
- What the employee sees once we launch
Performance Employee Hub | OS
💛 PX support docs
- Slide decks, facilitator notes etc.
🚀 Performance support documents
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