<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4cf04d6a-d415-4980-9ed9-2e5a7bc02e1c/logomark_-_circle_(new_brand).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4cf04d6a-d415-4980-9ed9-2e5a7bc02e1c/logomark_-_circle_(new_brand).png" width="40px" /> We’re building a high performance culture by enabling performance at scale.

What makes a high performing culture?

<aside> 🚀 A high performing culture is a set of behaviours, values and norms that lead an organisation to achieve business goals. Here is what makes a high performing culture:



🎯 Shared mission, purpose and goals

👥 Employee empowerment

♻️ Continuous learning & development

💬 Open communication & collaboration

🧠 Agility & security

🚘 Effectively fuelling performance

A high performing culture leads to:

🎯 Achieving our goals

👥 Engaged employees

♻️ Innovation, experimentation & growth

💬  Making informed decisions

🧠 Learning from mistakes & ability to pivot

🚘 Maximising performance across roles

Performance is...

<aside> 🚀 ...The extent to which we’re meeting the expectations of our current role over time. In short, it’s the impact we have on Learnerbly in our current role.


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Why now?

<aside> 🔥 We’re solving for active Learnerbly challenges:


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<aside> ⚖️ As of Feb 22, in a rough exercise we estimated that 40% of us were not fully meeting expectations in our role.


But imagine...

<aside> 🚀 Our approach to fuelling performance will be reflective of this


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What's in it for me

What's in it for Learnerbly