<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4cf04d6a-d415-4980-9ed9-2e5a7bc02e1c/logomark_-_circle_(new_brand).png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/4cf04d6a-d415-4980-9ed9-2e5a7bc02e1c/logomark_-_circle_(new_brand).png" width="40px" /> We’re building a high performance culture by enabling performance at scale.
<aside> 🚀 A high performing culture is a set of behaviours, values and norms that lead an organisation to achieve business goals. Here is what makes a high performing culture:
🎯 Shared mission, purpose and goals
👥 Employee empowerment
♻️ Continuous learning & development
💬 Open communication & collaboration
🧠 Agility & security
🚘 Effectively fuelling performance
🎯 Achieving our goals
👥 Engaged employees
♻️ Innovation, experimentation & growth
💬 Making informed decisions
🧠 Learning from mistakes & ability to pivot
🚘 Maximising performance across roles
<aside> 🚀 ...The extent to which we’re meeting the expectations of our current role over time. In short, it’s the impact we have on Learnerbly in our current role.
What does it mean to have an impact?
What’s expected in my current role?
<aside> 🔥 We’re solving for active Learnerbly challenges:
<aside> ⚖️ As of Feb 22, in a rough exercise we estimated that 40% of us were not fully meeting expectations in our role.
<aside> 🚀 Our approach to fuelling performance will be reflective of this