ℹ️ General information


What’s a leveling framework?

A leveling framework is a structured tool for anyone within an organization to:

This mapping of roles and responsibilities will be used as much by HRs and Managers to manage teams and organizations, as it will be by employees themselves to steer their career evolution.

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Why having one for your team?

There are lots of benefits coming out of a leveling framework, just to name a few:

How and when to use it?

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Once in place, you will use your leveling framework at all stages of the employee journey:

⚒️ Figures leveling frameworks

Our belief is that you can’t create a single levelling framework that can work for companies of all sizes and maturity level. A basic framework could prove not sophisticated enough for large organizations but a more granular one could prove too complex for early-stage companies. We chose to have two frameworks a simple one and an advanced one so that we could cover the needs of organizations of all sizes!

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The advanced framework

This option will better fit large companies with more than 250+ people, who already overcame a simple framework as their organization is getting more and more complex.

→ New teams being created, new levels of management are needed, and more granularity in terms of impact or influence are to be considered to define someone’s level.

Advanced Individual Contributors framework

Level hints are here to help you understand the main differences between the level you’re looking at and the previous one, in case of hesitation!